Eichendorff Str. 27
74653 Ingelfingen
Phone +49 (0)7940 / 9157 -0
Fax +49 (0)7940 / 9157 -77
E-Mail info@wiedemann-gmbh.de
The copyright and the responsibility for all materials published remain with the publisher.
Wiedemann GmbH
Eichendorff Str. 27
74653 Ingelfingen
phone: 0049- (0)7940-9157 -0
fax: 0049- (0)7940-9157 -77
eMail: info(at)wiedemann-gmbh.de
Internet: www.wiedemann-gmbh.de
Manager: Thomas Wiedemann
HRB 590316, Schwäbisch Hall, Ust. Ident-Nr.: DE 811 345 561
Registered company address
Ingelfingen Hohenlohekreis
Registered at the District Court
Manager: Thomas Wiedemann
Tax ID No. 7626903317
Responsivble in the sense of Article § 10, paragraph 3 of the MDStV:
Mr. Thomas Wiedemann, Wiedemann GmbH
Eichendorffstr. 27, 74653 Ingelfingen
In its decision of May 12, 1998, the Hamburg State Court has ruled that a part may also be held responsible for the content of another site if it provides such a link at its own publication. According to the State Court´s ruling, this responsibility can only be excluded if the party providing such link dissociates itself explicitly from the contents of the linked sites.
We have arranged for links to other Internet sites on our page and would like to emphasize that the contents and design of those sites are beyond our control.
We therefore dissciate ourselves explicitly from all contents of the Internet sites that are linked with our entire Website presentation. This disclaimer refers and covers all links provided on our homepage as well as all contents of those Internet sites that are opened up thru links or banners from our Internet presentation.